
admin | Windows api | 2013-03-14
目录 Windows 钩子 CreateRemoteThread 和 LoadLibrary 技术 ――进程间通信 CreateRemoteThread 和 WriteProcessMemory 技术 ――如何用该技术子类化远程控件 ――何时使用 CreateRemoteThread 和 WriteProcessMemory 技术 结束语 附录A 附录B 附录C 附录D 附录E 附录F 参考资料 简介 本文将讨论如何把代码注入不同的进程地址空间,然后在该进程的上下文中执... [阅读全文]
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Uniscribe Sample

admin | Windows api | 2013-03-14
Uniscribe Sample Sample usage of Uniscribe. Main functions are OnPaint() in ChildView.cpp. It shows simple call sequence and tag usage. There’re three versions implemented. The first is the simplest, just using ScriptStringOut. The second and the third are for using property. Following sequence is required when using Sc... [阅读全文]
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