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// NetGrab.h: interface for the URLDownloadFile class. #include <afxinet.h> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_URLDOWNLOADFILE_H__D2012F54_4448_4679_909D_95BB6646862C__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_URLDOWNLOADFILE_H__D2012F54_4448_4679_909D_95BB6646862C__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 class NetGrab { public: //设置显示速率的控件句柄 BOOL SetRateWnd(CWnd* pWnd); //设置进度条对象 BOOL SetProcessBar(CProgressCtrl* pProcessBar); //取得文件大小 DWORD GetFileSize(); //取得缓冲区大小 DWORD GetBufSize(); //设置缓冲区大小 BOOL SetBufSize(DWORD dSize); //下载文件到缓冲区 CString URLGetFileToBuf(CString sURL); //下载文件到本地 BOOL URLDownloadToFile(); //下载文件到本地(两个参数) BOOL URLDownloadToFile(CString sURL,CString sSavePath); //下载文件到本地(四个参数) BOOL URLDownloadToFile(CString sURL,CString sSavePath, CProgressCtrl* pProcessBar,CWnd* pWnd); //远程URL CString sURL; //本地文件 CString sSavePath; NetGrab(); virtual ~NetGrab(); private: BOOL RepairURL(CString sURL); BOOL GetTransferRateWinText(COleDateTime startTime,double dCurrentbytes); //缓冲区大小 DWORD BUFFER_SIZE; //文件大小 DWORD dFileSize; //进度条对象指针 CProgressCtrl* m_pProcessBar; //显示下载速度的控件句柄 CWnd* m_pRateWnd; //速率 CString sTransferRate; CInternetSession *m_pInetSession; CHttpConnection *m_pCHttpConn; }; #endif // !defined(AFX_URLDOWNLOADFILE_H__D2012F54_4448_4679_909D_95BB6646862C__INCLUDED_) |
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// NetGrab.cpp: implementation of the URLDownloadFile class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "NetGrab.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NetGrab::NetGrab() { m_pInetSession = NULL; CStdioFile *pSFile = NULL; try { //创建 CInternetSession对象,初始化WinInet,并连接服务器 m_pInetSession=new CInternetSession(NULL, 1, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE); //设置参数 m_pInetSession->SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,10000,1); m_pInetSession->SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_BACKOFF,10000); m_pInetSession->SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES,1); } catch (CInternetException* lpEx) { lpEx->Delete(); } //默认缓冲区大小 BUFFER_SIZE = 10*1024; dFileSize = 0; //进度条 m_pProcessBar = NULL; m_pRateWnd = NULL; } NetGrab::~NetGrab() { if (m_pInetSession) { m_pInetSession->Close(); delete m_pInetSession; } m_pInetSession = NULL; m_pProcessBar = NULL; m_pRateWnd = NULL; } BOOL NetGrab::URLDownloadToFile(CString sURL, CString sSavePath,CProgressCtrl* pProcessBar,CWnd* pWnd) { this->sURL = sURL; this->sSavePath = sSavePath; m_pProcessBar = pProcessBar; m_pRateWnd = pWnd; if (!URLDownloadToFile()) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } CString NetGrab::URLGetFileToBuf(CString sURL) { CString sBuf; sBuf.Empty(); CStdioFile *pNetFile = NULL; try { pNetFile = m_pInetSession->OpenURL(sURL.GetBuffer(sURL.GetLength())); } catch (CInternetException* lpEx) { lpEx->Delete(); pNetFile = NULL; return sBuf; } try { //从缓冲区循环读取数据 CString tmpBuf; while (pNetFile->ReadString(tmpBuf)) { sBuf += tmpBuf; tmpBuf.Empty(); } //更准确得到文件实际大小(字节) dFileSize = strlen(sBuf); } catch (CFileException* lpEx) { lpEx->Delete(); sBuf.Empty(); dFileSize = 0; return sBuf; } return sBuf; } BOOL NetGrab::SetBufSize(DWORD dSize) { BUFFER_SIZE = dSize; return TRUE; } DWORD NetGrab::GetBufSize() { return BUFFER_SIZE; } DWORD NetGrab::GetFileSize() { return dFileSize; } BOOL NetGrab::GetTransferRateWinText(COleDateTime startTime, double dCurrentbytes) { if (NULL!=m_pRateWnd) { COleDateTimeSpan elapsed = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime() - startTime; //时间差转换为秒 double dSecs = elapsed.GetTotalSeconds(); sTransferRate.Format("%0.1f KB/s",(double)dCurrentbytes/1024.0/dSecs); sTransferRate.Replace("$","0"); m_pRateWnd->SetWindowText(sTransferRate); } return TRUE; } BOOL NetGrab::SetProcessBar(CProgressCtrl *pProcessBar) { m_pProcessBar = pProcessBar; return TRUE; } BOOL NetGrab::SetRateWnd(CWnd *pWnd) { m_pRateWnd = pWnd; return TRUE; } BOOL NetGrab::URLDownloadToFile() { if (!RepairURL(sURL)) { return FALSE; } CStdioFile *pNetFile = NULL; try { pNetFile = m_pInetSession->OpenURL(sURL.GetBuffer(sURL.GetLength())); if (pNetFile==NULL) { return FALSE; } if (NULL!=m_pProcessBar) { //得到文件大小,必须站点支持 dFileSize = pNetFile->SeekToEnd(); pNetFile->SeekToBegin(); //设置进度条宽度 m_pProcessBar->SetRange32(0,dFileSize); } } catch (CInternetException* lpEx) { lpEx->Delete(); pNetFile = NULL; return FALSE; } CFile pLocalFile = NULL; try { pLocalFile.Open(sSavePath.GetBuffer(sSavePath.GetLength()), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::typeBinary); BYTE *pBuf = new BYTE[BUFFER_SIZE]; int Currentbytes = 0; //当前时间 COleDateTime startTime = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime(); //从缓冲区循环读取数据 while (int bytesread = pNetFile->Read(pBuf,BUFFER_SIZE)) { //当前已读取字节数 Currentbytes += bytesread; //取得下载速度 GetTransferRateWinText(startTime,Currentbytes); //指针移到文件结尾 pLocalFile.SeekToEnd(); //将读取的缓冲区数据写入本地文 pLocalFile.Write(pBuf,bytesread); if (NULL!=m_pProcessBar) { m_pProcessBar->SetPos(Currentbytes); } } //更准确得到文件实际大小 dFileSize = Currentbytes; delete[] pBuf; } catch (CFileException* lpEx) { lpEx->Delete(); dFileSize = 0; return FALSE; } //关闭本地文件 if (NULL!=pLocalFile) { pLocalFile.Close(); } //关闭CStdioFile if (NULL!=pNetFile) { pNetFile->Close(); } return TRUE; } BOOL NetGrab::URLDownloadToFile(CString sURL, CString sSavePath) { this->sURL = sURL; this->sSavePath = sSavePath; if (!URLDownloadToFile()) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL NetGrab::RepairURL(CString sURL) { sURL.TrimLeft(); sURL.TrimRight(); sURL.Replace('\\','/'); if (sURL.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } int iPos = sURL.Find("://",0); CString sURLHead = sURL.Left(iPos); sURLHead.MakeLower(); if (sURLHead!="http" && sURLHead!="ftp" && sURLHead!="https") { sURL = "http://" + sURL; } this->sURL = sURL; return TRUE; } |
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